Make it work, make it right, make it fast. – Kent Beck
Hey friends! Hope you had an awesome week. Spent the last day celebrating Dussehra 🏹 and recording my talk for Conf42. Also excited to share that I'll be giving a workshop on "Build Your Personal Blog With Next.js, Storyblok, and Layer0" at HackNITR 3.0 ✨ Oh wait did I miss that I gave my homepage a new look? Go check it out at!
Learning links of the week
Purging cache on steroids with Layer0
Mobile-Only Prefetching with Layer0
Something that interested me this week
Nuxt 3 Beta is out! Try it and let me know your thoughts about it 🚀
Nuxt 3 - The Hybrid Vue Framework — Build your next application with Vue 3 and experience hybrid rendering, with an improved directory structure and new features Nuxt 3 is an open source framework making web development simple and powerful.
Photo of the week
raging falls in between green and yellow grass covered mountains — Download this free HD photo of computer backgrounds, backgrounds, wallpapers and tumblr backgrounds by Stephen Leonardi (@stephenleo1982)
Thought of the week
So right now, I'm in my fourth year at IIIT-Delhi, in parallel doing a part-time job, having fun with friends now and then, and staying at home (for now xD). With all kinds of events happening around, it's important to keep that balance between things to sail over. The two things that have helped me to keep that balance: Patience, and Perseverance. When something goes haywire, I try and evaluate to what can be done then, without losing the essence of what has been lost, and by perseverance I mean believing in the plan that you've made for the day, and continuing on that in the right spirits. Hope that provides something meaningful to you 😌