Code is read more than it is written. ― Daniel Roy Greenfeld, Audrey Roy Greenfeld
Hey friends! Hope you had an amazing week. This week I had the chance to learn about chrome-aws-lambda, swell headless ecommerce, chill with friends at "Desi Vibes", and Storyblok surprised me with the belated birthday gift! Loved it.
Learning links of the week
Invalidate stale GraphQL queries with Layer0
Before and after pseudo-element variants with TailwindCSS
Next.js Course on Search Engine Optimization
Something that interested me this week
Spent hours figuring out how to create a simple alternative to vercel/og-image. Turns out, it was just ~60 lines! 🚀
html-og-image/index.js at master · rishi-raj-jain/html-og-image · GitHub — A deployment of OG Image Generator to Layer0. Contribute to rishi-raj-jain/html-og-image development by creating an account on GitHub.
Photo of the week
picselsrish • Instagram —
One of my best shots! IIIT-Delhi has been a blessing ☺️
Thought of the week
This blog by Lee Robinson says it all 👇🏻
Stop Wasting Your Time – Lee Robinson — Studies show happiness is correlated to the amount of free time we have. So why is everyone always busy?